> Daredevil Visionaries Volume 2

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From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"Turk, I could be deaf, dumb and blind. I could have my legs in traction and both arms tied behind my back, and you'd still be too slow to tag me. Sweet dreams."

- Daredevil, putting the kibosh on Turk in the MAULER armor, p. 17

Shades of Ditko's The Question, Daredevil in a pose of "mysterious suspense!"

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Daredevil #176
November 1981 • 21 pages

Script: Frank Miller • Letters: Joe Rosen
Pencils: Frank Miller • Inks: Klaus Janson

Title: “Hunters”

First Appearance: Stick

Villain: Kirigi

Guest Appearance: Elektra, Heather Glenn, Stick

Featured Thugs: Turk, Grotto, Stymie, Snuff, Bilge, Shiv, Wall-Eyed Pike

Cameo: Josie

Death: Bilge, Shiv

Innovation: Turk dons MAULER suit

Letters Page: Not in supply. Want to donate? Email me!

Synopsis: The Kirigi rises from a trash heap, the sword Elektra used to try and slay him still deeply implanted through his chest. he wanders to a nearby church where he is able to pull the sword from his body.

Daredevil is brooding on his apartment terrace during a fierce lightning storm. Heather tries to persuade him to come in, telling him that losing his radar sense isn't the worst thing in the world, and it will allow him to live a more normal life if he gives up Daredevil. But he retorts that he must regain his radar sense, and decides the only person who can help him do that is his former mentor, Stick. He bounds off into the distance, but Heather notes that he almost slipped and fell, so disoriented is he without his radar sense. She realizes that she must help him before he really hurts himself.

Elektra, too, has witnessed this scene, and has made the decision that she, too, must aid her former lover. But she is being traced, once again, by the Kirigi.

Daredevil heads back to Josie's Bar to interrogate Turk on the whereabouts of Stick. Nobody can figure out why anybody would want to see the crazy old man, Stick. Turk's pal Stymie is able to sneak up behind DD and smack him over the head with a pool cue, stunning him. They can't believe their good luck, and Turk pulls DD out back to snuff him once and for all. But before Turk can fire his pistol, DD revives himself and fights back, slamming a trash can down over Turk's head and running off. But Turk realizes something is different about DD, and decides it's time for him to capitalize on this unique moment.

Heather Glenn begins her crusade to help Daredevil by hooking up with a lowlife named Snuff, who promises to help her find Stick. Meanwhile, at Cord Industries, Turk and Grotto bust into the area to steal a piece of armor Turk had heard about through his blackmarket connections- the MAULER armor.

Daredevil finally tracks down a couple thugs who can tell him who might know about Stick. Bilge and Shiv pass on that Wall-Eyed Pike was hanging out with him lately. They notice that Daredevil is slipping and falling as he takes off, and they raise up the courage to shoot him in the back. But Elektra is there to slay them with her sais. She continues to follow Daredevil, protecting him while he doesn't have his radar sense working. But the Kirigi follows her, waiting for his time to strike.

Elektra is the first one to find Pike, crashing into his slum apartment through his window and threatening him into revealing Stick's location. After she leaves, Turk crashes through the wall of Pike's place in the Mauler armor, demanding to know where Stick is. Next, Daredevil crashes through the skylight, and Pike tells him where he can find Stick. Fed up with the insanity, Pike tries to get out, but Heather Glenn with her pistol and Snuff, demanding to know where Stick is. Pike is beside himself at this point!<

Stick is sharking a bunch of thugs in a pool game, as the blind man makes impossible shots. They surround him, ready to pummel him senseless for sharking them, but Daredevil shows up and rampages through them in no time. Far from being happy, Stick tells him he could have taken care of them and whacks him with a pool cue. But shortly, Turk has burst into the room and fired a round from his Mauler armor. It takes Daredevil about ten seconds to knock out Turk in embarrassing fashion.

Outside, Elektra monitors the situation, until the Kirigi makes his move. She defends herself long enough to hatch a plan. She sees a nearby warehouse full of tractor-trailer rigs. She gets behind the wheel and smashes into the Kirigi, pushing him off the docks and into the water beyond. The truck explodes, spilling gasoline into the water and causing an inferno. He rises from the water, engulfed in flames, and Elektra assaults his shambling form with his sword, beheading him and ending his life once and for all. But she realizes that now that the Kirigi is out of her life, she wonders how long it will take Daredevil to track her down as he promised, and bring her to justice.

--synopsis by Gormuu

--panel images provided by Avengers Assemble

--letter pages provided by Aussie Stu

Issues Reprinted
Daredevil #168-182

Click on cover image to learn more about each issue.

DD #168 DD #169 DD #170 DD #171 DD #172
DD #173 DD #174 DD #175 DD #176 DD #177
DD #178 DD #179 DD #180 DD #181 DD #182


All cover images are courtesy of the Silver Age Marvel Comics Cover Gallery.

Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.

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